• Content Handled

    When other resources aren't reliable enough to manage the load.

  • Lead Generation Copywriting for the

    Material Handling Industry

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    Let's say you're busy producing fresh content

    that generates quality leads and nurtures

    your top prospects, but then . . .

    • As a VP of Marketing or Marketing Director/Manager, you've been instructed to downsize your communications staff or you've suddenly lost one of your key resources. You definitely can't stop creating a steady stream of quality, substantive and educational content. And now you require a highly competent copywriter who can quickly hit the ground running.
    • As a Marketing Communications Manager or Director of Content Marketing, you're overwhelmed with way too many meetings and other priorities as well as little to no time to realistically complete all of the content marketing projects on your plate.

    These are real-world examples I've encountered first-hand with my clients. And just as I've quickly stepped in to assist with their B2B copywriting, there's no reason I can't do the same for you.


    You need a B2B copywriter who has

    deep, long-term material handling

    industry experience. 


    Hi, I'm Doug Chovan . . . a seasoned B2B copywriter who's produced a variety of content for high-profile material handling companies like 4Front Engineered Solutions (Kelley and Serco brands), 4SIGHT Connect, APS Resource, EPIC Fans, Seegrid, Buckhorn and Akro-Mils. During my years of working closely with these companies, I've developed a deep understanding of the material handling and supply chain industry.


    When you need a tested and proven B2B copywriter who will partner with you to produce fresh and compelling content that generates:

    • increased awareness about your products and services;
    • high quality leads;
    • and nurtures your top prospects;

    I encourage you to take a few moments to discover what makes me different from other copywriters.

  • What Makes Me Different?

    Not All B2B Copywriters Are Created Equal!

    Deep Experience In Material Handling

    Having managed the marketing communications for an industry-leading company's material handling business segment, as well as serving the content marketing needs for several high-profile clients in the industry, I've produced the content that material handling customers depend on to make intelligent and often high-expense decisions.


    I've also attended the industry's premier material handling trade shows (ProMat and MODEX) to experience first-hand and learn about the latest innovations in material handling.

    A Firm Grasp of Material Handling Lingo

    A B2B copywriter needs to possess a firm understanding of the topics they're writing about, the associated industry AND the audiences they're writing for.


    For material handling, that means knowing the difference between an AGV and an AS/RS. Or how about the benefits of an air-powered versus a mechanical dock leveler? Or how RFID for a warehouse yard management system will integrate with a WMS?


    In addition, understanding industry trends and developments, such as wearable technologies and the important barriers facing the nextgen supply chain, are a major plus.

    Solid Understanding of the B2B Sales Process

    All combined, my extensive B2B background has provided me first-hand knowledge about what makes B2B customers tick, including the importance of:

    • Shortening the critical B2B sales cycle.
    • Influencing buying decisions with the right content at the right time. 
    • Building ongoing brand recognition, mind share and not resting on your laurels.

    Seasoned Content Marketing Expertise

    I'm no newbie when it comes to content marketing. With a diverse background in B2B corporate communications & PR, marketing communications and even commercial bank marketing that spans 30 years plus, I've lived several marketing management roles in those areas. I understand your challenges and your company's expectations.


    I also know first-hand what it's like to rely on valued and trusted outside resources to get projects done right. And I also understand the importance of follow-through and quality client service.

    Comfortable Working at All Management Levels

    Great interpersonal communication skills are a must in this business. I've reported to individuals from middle management to the c-suite level throughout my entire career. And I understand their various levels of thinking and what's most important to them.


    That means I can communicate clearly and easily with anyone at any level, regardless if I've worked with someone for several years or only a few minutes.

  • Services & Fee Schedule

    Reliable, Trusted & Proven B2B Content Solutions

    Customer Success Stories

    Maximize the "unique voice"

    of your customers.

    • Customer success stories are a powerful way to leverage the unique perspectives of your most satisfied customers and their challenges while communicating the benefits of your company’s products.  But there's an important catch . . . they must be done right to ensure the greatest impact.
    • Simply publishing a few lines of copy under the all-too-familiar "Challenge / Solution / Impact" headings isn't what I consider a fully developed customer success story.  These headings are appropriate when used in a short side-bar summary. However, using them alone along with a just a few lines of weak copy and void of customer quotes is boring at best, formulaic, and lacking any human emotion, customer evidence or proof.
    • The key to each customer success story is the story itself.  And the key to a great story is an effective customer interview using strategically-placed questions.  Every interview is unique which is what makes this step so fascinating.  Once your customers begin to relax, you can rest assured that they'll unveil a treasure trove of golden nuggets in the form of comments and insights that would otherwise remain hidden.

    White Papers

    Help prospective buyers understand an issue,

    solve a problem, or make a decision.

    • When your organization has developed a solution to a complex problem, or has a product or service with a high price point, a well-researched and compelling white paper is an excellent tool to use at various stages of the sales cycle.
    • I'll help guide you on which of three proven white paper approaches is best for your particular topic or subject matter.
    • IMPORTANT TIP: make sure you allow enough time for your white paper, which can take anywhere from four to six weeks to complete from start to finish.  Quality white papers simply cannot be turned around in a week!  ​

    eBooks, Guides and Special Reports

    A different style and tone

    than traditional white papers.

    • Although eBooks, Guides and Special Reports can run as long as white papers (8-10 pages), or possibly longer, they're a more casual read and usually have more effort put into their appearance and design.
    • These types of content should always address a specific problem or trend that your prospects and customers care about.

    Blogs & eNewsletters

    Keep your website and eNewsletter fresh

    with new and compelling content.

    • Blog posts are one of the best ways to ensure that your company's website consistently offers new and compelling content that will keep your target audiences returning again and again. And, a consistently published and substantive eNewsletter means that you'll show up on a regular basis in your target audience's inboxes (with their permission, that is!).
    • Over time, you'll amass enough content that you can repurpose on a variety of channels as part of your social media program or convert into topics for more in-depth by-lined articles in your industry's trade publications.

    Trade Media Relations

    Get your story published!

    • Are you introducing a new product or service? Have you made significant changes to your company's website?  Do you need to strategically generate more local business or improve coverage in your industry’s trade media publications?
    • Not all press releases are created equal!  Crafting a natural-sounding, non-sales-oriented, yet attention-grabbing news release will not only pique the interest of targeted editors, but search engines (SEO) as well through properly placed keywords.
    • With decades of experience working with trade industry media, I've established a great relationship with the editors of key material handling and supply chain industry as well as other related trade publications like:

    Material Handling & Logistics

    Modern Materials Handling

    Material Handling Product News / Material Handling 24/7

    DC Velocity

    Supply Chain Management Review

    Supply & Demand Chain Executive

    • I know how to effectively communicate with editors to pitch story ideas and articles that will generate a high degree of visibility for your company and get your story told.
    • I can help you identify compelling editorial ideas as well as write a wide range of articles, including customer success stories, interviews with key executives and new product introduction overviews.

    Fee Schedule

    Content marketing is a long-term investment that can

    pay dividends well beyond a completed project.

    No matter which type of content you choose to include in your marketing initiatives, always consider the long-term benefits of your investment and not just the short-term results. My latest Fee Schedule provides a range of pricing for a variety of projects including:

    • Educational Content & Trade Media Relations
    • Web Content & Online Copywriting
    • Offline Copywriting

    Providing you with a range of pricing now ensures that my fee structure will be a comfortable fit for you and your organization's budget.


    Download 2024 Fee Schedule

  • Portfolio

    Case Studies, White Papers, Web Copy, Blog Content & More!

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    Case Study


    Family-Owned Edible Oils Provider Upgrades Pre-Existing Food Warehouse with HVLS Fans, Vertical Storing Dock Levelers and More


    [Download Case Study]

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    Case Study

    KSU Center for Visual Arts Reaches New Heights with Redesigned Loading Dock and Integrated Hydraulic Lift

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    Case Study


    Aquatic Center's Kelley HVLS Fans Work With HVAC to Improve Air Quality and Comfort


    [Download Case Study]
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    Case Study

    4SIGHTTM Logistics Solution

    Integrated 4SIGHTTM System at Nebraska Furniture Mart-Texas Ensures Highly Efficient Yard, Dock & Gate Operations (and more)


    [Download Case Study]
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    Case Study

    Entrematic Fans

    Four I-ClassTM Fans Solve Airflow and Air Temperature Challenges for Jakov P. Dulcich & Sons Table Grapes Packing Facility


    [Download Case Study]
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    White Paper

    Entrematic Fans

    HVLS Industrial Fans Evaluation Guide:

    7 Defining Application Design Factors That Will Add Up to a Smart Investment

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    White Paper

    4SIGHTTM Connect

    Increase Efficiency and Visibility to Improve Your Entire Dock Operation

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    Five Key Approaches to Apply When Determining the Best Supply Chain Network Locations

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    4SIGHTTM Connect

    New 4SIGHTTM Connect Digital Dock a Transformational Tool for Any Size Dock Operation

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    Autonomous Material Handling and Dock Equipment Data Gathering Technology Pair Well to Improve Efficiency and Safety

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    Robotic Welding Ensures Quality & Precision

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    APS Resource

    Regular Planned Maintenance Helps Prevent Future Emergencies While Resulting in Lower Service Costs

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    Web Copy


    Comprehensive website overhaul project (in partnership with Bop Design) for supplier of rugged deployable computing and visual solutions.

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    Web Copy

    Heritage Paper

    Comprehensive website overhaul project (in partnership with Bop Design) for a distributor of custom packaging design, equipment, and fulfillment.

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    Trade Media Article

    Modern Materials Handling

    Lift Tables Perform Where Previous Equipment Fell Short

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    Trade Media Article

    Construction Canada / TKO Dock Doors

    Impactable Dock Doors: Helping protect warehouses and increasing worker safety

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    Trade Media Article

    Manufacturing.net / IMPO

    Integrated System Approach Is Key To Ongoing

    Dock Safety

  • Clients & Business Affiliations

    A Diverse Mix of Material Handling, Industrial Manufacturing & Technology

    Manufacturer of storage, organization and transport products used in a variety of industries ranging from industrial applications to healthcare environments.


    Key Projects

    • All sales support marketing materials, trade media relations, catalog development and trade show support.


    Designer and manufacturer of commercial aluminum full size sectional doors.


    Key Projects

    • Customer case studies on aluminum full view sectional door applications that are targeted to architectural firms.

    Manufacturer of mid-size motorized material handling vehicles for a variety of industrial applications.


    Key Projects

    • Blog post subject matter expert interviewing, copywriting and editing.
    • White paper idea generation, researching, interviewing and copywriting.
    • Trade media relations as well as article creation and placement. 

    Manufacturer of reusable packaging and bulk material handling systems.


    Key Projects

    • All sales support marketing materials, trade media relations, catalog development and trade show support.

    Developer of 4SIGHT Connect dock, yard and gate management supply chain logistics software. Parent company for the Kelley and Serco brands of loading dock equipment and affiliated products as well as industrial and commercial HVLS fans.


    Key Projects

    • Case studies, press releases, trade media relations and articles, white papers, web copy, blog post copywriting/editing, video scripts.

    Provider of fully-integrated, customized logistics solutions that optimize the economic, operational and environmental performance of its customers' supply chains.


    Key Projects

    • Comprehensive copyediting for client-provided blog posts on a variety of transportation management topics including supply chain optimization and retail consolidation services.
    • Edit and condense company's in-depth monthly transportation Industry Update report into an easily digestible blog article format.

    Custom packaging design, equipment and fulfillment.


    Key Projects

    • Client interviews and copy development for overhauled website.
    • Blog post copywriting/editing.

    Infrastructure-free autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) that navigate autonomously using cameras, sophisticated algorithms, and machine learning, along with fleet management software, and actionable analytics.


    Key Projects

    • Blog post subject matter expert interviewing, copywriting and editing.
    • Numerous end-user customer interviews and detailed output for comprehensive corporate re-branding initiative.

    Rugged deployable computing and visual solutions.


    Key Projects

    • Client interviews and copy development for newly overhauled website.
  • Customer Success Story Marketing

    A Powerful Way To Educate, Inspire and Persuade Your
    Community With The Unique “Voice” Of Your Customers

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    Proven Fact: Stories Sell

    "For those of us whose business depends on being able to persuade others—which includes all of us in business—the key to survival is being able to cut through the clutter and make the sale.


    "The good news is that the secret to selling is what it has always been, a good story. It’s that simple . . . stories sell."*


    *From The Elements of Persuasion: Use Storytelling to Pitch Better, Sell Faster & Win More Business by Richard Maxwell & Robert Dickman

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    The "Why" Behind Customer Stories

    • Increase and strengthen the credibility of your sales and marketing messages.
    • Leverage customer satisfaction and engage prospects.
    • Provide a close-up look at how your products and services work in the real world.
    • Gain valuable media coverage in trade publications that cover your industry.
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    Customer Stories:

    Rocket Fuel for Your Products and Services

    In-depth, feature story-style customer success stories are a vital part of your overall content marketing strategy that provide the fuel to reach and influence your target audiences.


    And in today’s cost-conscious economy, they also remain one of the most cost-effective content tools you can use to generate leads.


    Why? Because customer success stories:

    • Are highly CREDIBLE in the eyes of your prospects — quotes used in customer success stories serve as the unique “voice” of your customers that no one else can duplicate.
    • EDUCATE about how products and services actually work in real-world environments.
    • VALIDATE by actually demonstrating key results for your key audiences.**
    **Points excerpted from Stories That Sell: Turn Satisfied Customers Into Your Most Powerful Sales and Marketing Asset, AIM Publishers, 2009
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    Customer Stories Offer Tremendous Versatility

    Customer success stories also ensure that your unique message will always stand out from your competitors.


    Plus, there are numerous ways you can repurpose customer success stories. They can be used over and over for just about any marketing, sales, corporate, public relations communication or campaign.


    For example, implementing customer success stories as part of an integrated testimonial advertising campaign for a product or service instills a much higher degree of credibility than running an ad based solely on features and benefits.

    Using customer success stories in multiple ways, they can pay for themselves, often many times over their initial investment.

  • What Clients Are Saying

    Great Relationships + Quality Work + On-Time Deliverables =

    High Value & No Stress!

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    Mark Johnson, FAIA

    Architectural Sales Manager
    Commercial Business
    Sectional Doors Americas

    Amarr Company

    "Thanks for your work on the Palm Springs USCAP case study. I think it’s outstanding! There are a lot of details that you captured about our AFV doors and in your interviews. They hit all the high notes that architects care about: high performance, energy efficiency, aesthetics, integration with overall building design, etc. Excellent storytelling. Architects will read the case study from start to finish!"

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    Jennifer Thieme Kehres
    Director of Business Development

    Amigo Mobility

    "We've been so pleased with your work! It was a goal of mine to have articles on our Amigo products published in material handling trade publications, so thank you for accomplishing that! Thank you as well for your projects recap and the great work you did for Amigo! We would enjoy working with you again this year."

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    Robin Maylone
    Web Content Director

    Bop Design B2B Marketing Agency

    "Doug is an excellent writer with a strong understanding of how to write for B2B markets. As the content director at a busy marketing agency, I not only need writers with outstanding writing skills, but who are professional, easy to work with and great at interviewing and communicating with clients. Doug fits the bill on all levels."

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    Michael Brittingham

    Market Development Consultant


    "Doug is an exceptionally talented writer and has a natural curiosity and thirst to learn new things that combined with his interviewing skills, research capabilities and technical writing expertise, make him a tremendously valuable addition to any marketing communication team."

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    Guy Dineen

    GDD Interactive

    "I really appreciate how meticulous and proactive Doug is to work with. He provides not only great writing and editing, but also a journalistic/reporting skill set approach to projects, which is really great for what we want to achieve as storytellers. Also, being able to rely on Doug for extra brainpower and manpower, persistence with tracking down contacts, follow through on phone interviews and copy approvals, and generally putting things into action, is a huge advantage."

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    Miriam Rack
    CEO & Founder

    MRM Reference Consulting

    "Doug has been one of our principal writers for several years now. He consistently produces high-quality deliverables. His professional work as a writer is impeccable. Doug also has a great, engaging personality that shines through as well during customer interviews. He's very easy and fun to work with, and we also appreciate his professional demeanor and being able to stick to tight timelines."

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    Michelle Etherton
    Communications Manager /

    Senior Writer at The Partner Marketing Group

    "I had no concerns hiring Doug to write a case study which ended up being a little different than a typical case study, but he adjusted to the changes like a true professional and delivered a case study the client loved. He worked directly with client, researched the materials, wrote a great case study and delivered on time with very little direction. Have already hired him for another case study!


    "Doug is the best case study writer I’ve worked with in a very long time (if not ever!). His interviewing skills, research capabilities and knowledge of how to make a technical document organized and readable is such a welcome addition to our writing team. I highly recommend him!"

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    Raphael Keene
    Owner, Marketingdux /

    Executive Team Partner, Ascendia

    "We engaged Doug on two business copywriting projects. There's no doubt he has a talent for knowing how to position a complex service offering to a business audience. He has a great writing style for business to business marketing; fluid and sophisticated, yet easy to follow. I found him to be very professional, thorough and able to grasp/make sense of complex concepts so they could be communicated in a clear and compelling way.  Doug did an absolutely brilliant job on our Ascendia corporate profile. He is a true professional B2B copywriter who puts a lot of thought and effort into his writing and delivers genuine quality."

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    Lisa Marshall
    Division Director, Business Development & Marketing

    Priority Metrics Group

    "Doug and I have been working together now for several years. I am always impressed by his professionalism and the quality of work that he consistently turns out. We have now completed many projects and I look forward to a continued relationship."

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    David Harrell
    Marketing Director


    "Excellent job on multiple press releases about our new website and corporate video, a new East Coast manufacturers' representative relationship and our new business management team. Doug was very responsive and provided all materials ahead of deadline. He was very professional in conducting interviews. Definitely recommend him to everyone!"

  • Best ​Ways To Connect

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  • Let's Talk

    Start your content conversation today!