Winter in Ohio is appoaching fast (even though temps have been unseasonable for this time of year with virtually no snow . . . yet!). However, scary images from past winters easily come to mind.
Have you ever noticed when driving on the expressway during the summer months, and when the median strip is freshly mowed, you occasionally see deep ruts from vehicles left in the grass? Those ruts didn’t come from cars or trucks that just happened to recently skid off dry or even wet pavement, ending up on hard ground baked by the summer sun! Those ruts occurred during the previous winter or early spring seasons when the soil was soft and soggy, and the pavement was either icy or snow-covered.
The deeper the ruts, the more likely the vehicle that caused them became stuck in the mud and needed towed out. Quickly realizing that their vehicle needed towed to safety, the vehicle owner’s primary concern at that moment was all about getting his or her vehicle safely back on the road.
Get Customer Focused
B2B companies can easily become stuck in the mud, or as I like to phrase it—stuck in “it’s -all-about-our-company” mode (er, mud)—when it comes to their marketing.
Rather than being customer-focused, too many B2B companies are still stuck in the rut of trying to prove how great their company and its products and services are. Instead, you need to present fresh ideas and solutions about your customers’ problems and what keeps them up at night. That means creating and delivering valuable information and content that your prospects and customers will find useful. That will in turn drive new business to your front door.
Instead of getting stuck in their own ruts, B2B companies need to concentrate on how to get their customers out of their ruts. That way, they can help them get back on the road toward successfully expanding and growing in the rapidly evolving global marketplace.